
Thank you for visiting our website. This website is designed for general information only. The information presented at this site is not meant to be, and should not be relied on, as legal advice. Legal advice about any client’s situation requires an individualized assessment of the relevant events and governing law. You should not act or refrain from acting concerning any legal matters based on the contents of this website and without reviewing your particular circumstances with an attorney or other professional with appropriate expertise and who is licensed in the relevant jurisdiction.

Accessing this website does not create a lawyer-client relationship between any party and our firm. By sending Ritz Clark & Ben-Asher (“RCBA”) email or contacting us by phone, you have not retained our firm to represent you. Our firm is not obligated to represent or advise anyone unless it has been formally retained to do so. When a client retains our firm as the client’s attorney, the client and the firm enter into a written retainer agreement, describing the legal services to be provided and the fees for those services. We reserve the right to decline any representation, and may be required to decline representation if it would create a conflict of interest with any of our current or former clients. Under the law, legal claims have varying statutes of limitations, which are periods of time within which a claim must be brought. You should seek legal advice as to what those limitations periods are. Do not rely on material in this website for this information.

You should be aware that email may not be secure unless it is properly encrypted. RCBA does not guarantee the confidentiality of any communications via email. RCBA expressly requests that employees do not contact us using their employer’s phone lines, fax machines, computers, networks, websites, laptops, mobile devices, or email addresses.

Although we try to provide accurate and complete information, we make no commitment, or express or implied warranty, that the factual, legal, or other information contained in this website is accurate, complete, error-free, or current, and we assume no liability for any of this website’s content.

Some links within this website may lead to other websites, including those operated and maintained by third parties. These links are included solely as a convenience to you. RCBA does not endorse any of these links, their operators or their contents, and disclaims any and all responsibility for the links’ contents.

Reproduction, distribution, republication, and/or retransmission of material contained within this website is prohibited unless RCBA’s prior written permission has been obtained.

RCBA hopes you will contact us if you desire representation. Our firm does not offer any guarantee of results in any case. Prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes.